Denise Yosafat is a Consultant and Executive/Leadership Coach for AJO, specializing in strategic planning, organizational development and change management.
Most recently Denise has added author to her biography by writing "The Power of CHOICE: Six Steps to Get What You Want out of Life." Her new book and the subject of making choices and decisions is the topic for this episode.
What do you find disruptive in HR? What does HR need to do to reinvent itself to minimize the disruption, to navigate the changing landscape and to rebrand itself to its business partners - to ensure a seat at the table? Nancy Harris joins Kyle O’Connor to discuss these thought-provoking topics.
Chris Nickerson discusses career planning, an overlooked and yet critical professional development activity. A career map and annual inquiry ensures purposeful career choices are made, as well as helping to protect against the winds of change and inevitable career journey bumps.
Chris Nickerson shares his career framework and strategies that will help you manage your career and outperform your peers.
Click here for complete show notes.