Here is an opportunity to challenge the way we think, maybe a different strategy to help HR Leaders. Health is the pillar that leadership is built on. This topic has gained more visibility over the last 10-15 years as people have realized that if they have their health in check, the rest of their life will likely be successful. Yoga is continually recognized as a great tool and outlet to support health goals. Maryam Sharifzadeh is a yoga expert, and she is the founder/owner of Office Yoga™. Maryam graduated with her Masters in Sport Management from USF. Shortly after, she began working as a Wellness Coordinator at UC Berkeley helping faculty and staff make healthy behavior change.
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Dr. William A. Schiemann is back to discuss his latest research on life fulfillment (personal and career) and its relationship to organizational success. He shares important findings and key steps you can take personally to achieve fulfillment. Bill also offers advice to HR leaders on how to leverage people’s passions to create high engagement. Bill was one of our first guests (see Episode 2: Future HR Leaders – How Are You Adding Value?) during which he offered powerful advice to HR leaders on how to add value. Bill is the founder of Metrus Group which delivers research and consulting to maximize organizational performance through people. He has been a thought leader in building high-performance organizations and human capital measurement. He has authored several books. His most recent, Fulfilled! Critical Choices: Work, Home, Life, addresses the next wave after engagement – building cultures that bring fulfillment to people and performance to firms.